Turkish Business Association Promotes Efficiency in Latest Report

The Independent Industrialists’ and Businessmen’s Association (MÜSIAD) and the International Foundation for Technology, Economic and Social Research (UTESAV) released a report emphasizing the importance of sustainable economic development through the


Athletes’ demand for meat challenges eco-friendly dining at Paris 2024

Paris Olympics organizers have faced challenges in their efforts to reduce the Carbon Footprint of catering at this year’s Games due to the high demand for meat by athletes. Despite


Turkey Green Deal Program: Boosting Exporters with Ambitious Sustainability Initiatives

Trade Minister Ömer Bolat announced a program to assist exporting companies in their green and digital transformation journeys. The program covers half of consultancy service expenses up to TL 10


Copenhagen’s Eco-Friendly Tourist Incentive Program: Earn Rewards for Sustainable Practices

Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, is taking a unique approach to managing tourism by rewarding visitors who participate in eco-friendly activities. While other European cities have implemented measures like tourist


Reconsidering Greece’s Tourism Model in the Face of Climate Change

Greece is facing challenges with its tourism model due to climate change and over-tourism. The country attracts millions of visitors each year, but the environmental impact is becoming unsustainable. The


TT Ventures invests in startups promoting sustainability and innovation

In 2023, startups focusing on environmentally friendly and sustainable solutions have attracted significant investments globally. According to the Global Sustainable Investment Review, over $30.3 trillion has been invested in sustainable
