Stay up-to-date with the latest sustainability news, covering topics like climate change, renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, and green innovations. Get informed about the trends shaping a sustainable future.

How Protecting 0.7% of Earth’s Land Can Save One-Third of Unique and Endangered Species

A new study by Imperial College London, On the Edge, and ZSL suggests that focusing conservation efforts on just 0.7% of the world’s land mass could help protect one third


Turkey and Iraq reaffirm their commitment to water cooperation

Turkey and Iraq have reaffirmed their commitment to water cooperation during the second meeting of the Joint Standing Committee for the Development of Cooperation in the field of Water, held


The Impact of Warming Rivers and Over-Fishing on Native Alaskans: Facing Salmon Scarcity

Alaska’s salmon population is facing challenges due to the warming of rivers, leading to changes in their migratory patterns. Native Alaskan fishing practices are helping to protect the salmon. Salmon


Ireland’s Tourist Town Undergoes Remarkable Transformation to Shed Negative Image

Killarney, a town in Ireland, has transformed itself from a tourist hotspot plagued by tacky attractions to a green haven through innovative initiatives. The town, surrounded by stunning landscapes, has


Reconsidering Greece’s Tourism Model in the Face of Climate Change

Greece is facing challenges with its tourism model due to climate change and over-tourism. The country attracts millions of visitors each year, but the environmental impact is becoming unsustainable. The


Energy-Saving Biomaterials Breakthrough Driven by Molecular Simulations and Supercomputing

Scientists at Oak Ridge National Laboratory have developed a new method for processing nanocellulose, a plant-based material, that reduces energy needs by 21%. This breakthrough was achieved through molecular simulations


Why You Should Avoid Visiting This Town This Summer

St-Tropez, a once sleepy fishing village on the French Riviera, has now become one of the most overcrowded summer destinations in the Mediterranean. With more than 80,000 visitors per day


Turkish Fishing Season Starts: High Mackerel Stocks, Low Anchovy Availability

The 2024 fishing season in Turkish waters is about to kick off, signaling an important time for the country’s fishing industry. Fishing activities will resume following regulations set by the


Exploring Earth’s ‘Doomsday Glacier’: Elizabeth Rush’s Epic Journey

Elizabeth Rush embarked on an epic journey to Thwaites Glacier in Antarctica for her latest book, The Quickening. This glacier is crumbling rapidly and is referred to as the world’s


TT Ventures invests in startups promoting sustainability and innovation

In 2023, startups focusing on environmentally friendly and sustainable solutions have attracted significant investments globally. According to the Global Sustainable Investment Review, over $30.3 trillion has been invested in sustainable
