Builder of first Ohio 3D-printed home says own ‘for the price of a car payment’


46 thoughts on “Builder of first Ohio 3D-printed home says own ‘for the price of a car payment’

  1. That house is way too expensive. I am not buying an "experimental" house fora $40K discount. The dried surface of that poured house is fugly as heck. I'd want a smooth wall that can be painted, have art hung, etc. What happens when the owner wants to do a renovation down the road? Nope.

  2. But then how will the government and the ultra rich force us to pay them high taxes on our homes if the homes are worth less than a car?

    Hell, what's next? Are people gonna come up with some system to let average citizens use untouched land that has no valuable resources or natural beauty as their own private land instead of paying some random MF who's never been to the land, doesn't want the land, doesn't care about the land, and just wants your money? Ridiculous.

    If you live here, you're gonna work, and you're gonna work for very wealthy men so they can use that money to build things for other people that you don't know AND so they can use it to retire the next 5 generations of their entire bloodline and give them the opportunity to play God with your bloodline. "Cheap housing" 🙄

  3. Concrete is one of the leading causes of greenhouse gas emissions. Concrete amounts for more CO2 than the aviation industry. These are not sustainable houses by any metric.

  4. That house could only last a few years before one earthquake cracks it in half😂😂😂 no thanks, I wouldn't want something that has no guarantee for only a 40k difference. Hope these guys dont spend all their money cause they're going to get sued in the near future.

  5. Naw bro. Zoning and planning won't have it less they homis get contracts and liberties are somehow leased. This homeless crisis is synthetic, designed to expand the governments permitting of liberties.

  6. That's literally the ugliest thing I've ever seen. The inside of the walls look absolutely horrible. All the crooked lines all the lumps… what are you talking about guy? 😅😅😅😅

  7. It's taking away more jobs like self checkout. Though it's a cool idea. But without rebar I have to wonder how stable it is. Plus you still have all the electrical, pipes, fixtures. The kitchen and bath would still be the same price. And there is where a lot of cost comes in.

  8. The car prices these days do seem like a bit of a tall tale, don't they? They're hyping it up way too much. If I'm shelling out $160,000 for a home, I wouldn't even consider that option. Just drop the price to $40,000, and you'll attract more potential buyers. Can't wait for a possible housing crisis to scoop up some bargains after selling off a few properties in 2025. Thinking about delving into stocks as a backup plan. Any tips on the best timing for these investments? Made some good profits from trading, but I'm wary of the market's volatility and the chance of a dead cat bounce. Any insights into why this market phenomenon occurs?

  9. Aside from not trusting that home, the price is still WAY too high for them to be boasting about this. If I'm paying $160,000 for a home, I sure as hell wouldn't consider this.

    Make the home $40,000 and you'll change a lot of minds.

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