Michael Thompson earned his degree in Agricultural Engineering from Purdue University in the USA, specializing in precision agriculture and smart farming technologies. His work revolves around the development of automated systems that increase farm efficiency and reduce environmental impact. Michael is now a senior engineer at a leading agri-tech company, where he designs innovative solutions for modern agriculture.

Solar-Powered Desalination: Converting Seawater into Freshwater.

A team of researchers at the University of Waterloo has developed an innovative device that uses solar power to turn seawater into drinking water through evaporation. Desalination is crucial for


The Impact of Canopy Gaps on Microclimate and Soil Biological Activity in Floodplains

Canopy gaps in a mixed floodplain forest can affect soil temperature and moisture, but have minimal impact on soil biological activity. A recent study by Leipzig University, iDiv Halle-Jena-Leipzig, and


The Decline of Nature Leading to an Increase in Diseases

Environmental degradation is leading to a rise in infectious diseases that threaten both human and wildlife populations worldwide. A recent analysis of disease data highlighted how factors such as Biodiversity


How Technology Can Improve Renewable Energy Storage

renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power are important for our planet, but they face a challenge – they don’t always produce energy when needed. To overcome this,


Magnetic Shield: The Ultimate Shark Deterrent for Startups

Shark conservation is a critical issue, as populations of these majestic creatures have declined by 71% in the last 50 years due to overfishing. Despite their ancient history dating back


New Study Finds Contrail Avoidance has Lower Climate Impact than Previously Believed

A recent study has found that rerouting flights to avoid forming climate-warming contrails can actually benefit the climate. Contrails, the white lines left behind planes in the sky, can trap


How Climate Change Impacts Soil’s Vital Organisms

It’s easy to overlook the bustling activity that happens beneath our feet in the soil. Thousands of mites and springtails play a crucial role in moving carbon into the soil,


Are Fish Stocks Overestimated in Fisheries Research?

The state of fish stocks in the world’s oceans is worse than previously thought, according to a new study by Australian researchers. Overfishing has long been attributed to fishing policies


New findings emphasize the urgency of marine conservation efforts

Decades of overfishing have had devastating effects on one third of global fish stocks, disrupting ocean ecosystems and jeopardizing the livelihoods of millions who rely on them for food. Marine


Optimizing Solar Power Generation with Satellite Data Insights

As we face an energy crisis and the looming threat of climate change, the importance of tapping into renewable energy sources cannot be overstated. solar energy is emerging as a
