How Atlanta set a standard with its sustainability efforts for Olympic venues


15 thoughts on “How Atlanta set a standard with its sustainability efforts for Olympic venues

  1. 1996 olympics were criticized heavily by foreigners for being too “commercial” but all that private money meant the tax payers didn’t have to foot the bill and ultimately lose money. LA 2028 is going to use existing venues as well.

  2. Thank you so much for finally acknowledging that building and spending isn't the problem, but rather how host cities have built and spent. Most people think that every Olympic venue is destined to become a white elephant, so it's so refreshing to see a mainstream outlit finally point out that this is historically false.

  3. It would of been nice if Mercedes Benz Stadium was around back in 1996 that would of been one of perfect venues for Olympics given that the Georgia Dome was in use and demolished

  4. As an Olympics historian I am glad CBS did this story. The Atlanta Olympics have been one of the best organized games in the last fifty years. They were into sustainability and legacy way before it was a thing.

  5. Love how you forget that Atlanta 1996 featured the worst terrorist attack at an Olympics, since Munich 1972. Nor was Atlanta as sustainable or successful an event as LA 1984. Not to mention, every Summer Olympics post-Atlanta has gone over-budget. Several host cities, both for Summer and Winter Olympics, have gone bankrupt and are still struggling to recover.

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