Pope urges end to Papua New Guinea tribal conflicts and fair, sustainable extraction of resources

Pope Francis calls for an end to tribal conflicts in Papua New Guinea.



20 thoughts on “Pope urges end to Papua New Guinea tribal conflicts and fair, sustainable extraction of resources

  1. What is this theatre? Where was he when there was satanic opening and closing of the Olympic games in Paris where Jesus Christ was mocked and the whole society of normally thinking people was in turmoil? Many people seek answers. Doesn't he care about satanic rituals? Didn't it hurt him??? What is he there for? Nothing… He shall resign.

  2. sometimes … different culture/people's character has different perspective of "violence"

    I don't like violence, clashes or wars … but I know some tribes believe, that those are necessary.
    It's definitely not an easy task for the government to stop things that already part of culture/tradition, especially for those who live in remote areas – and I know that Papua land, despite of being so incredibly beautiful and rich of natural resources … the nature isn't so "human friendly"

    Indonesia have had number of airplane crashes in Papua, and most of them aren't easy to locate – because the rainforest is so thick, with mountains, cliffs, canyons, deep rivers, etc

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