Copenhagen’s Eco-Friendly Tourist Incentive Program: Earn Rewards for Sustainable Practices

Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, is taking a unique approach to managing tourism by rewarding visitors who participate in eco-friendly activities. While other European cities have implemented measures like tourist taxes to combat overtourism, Copenhagen is focusing on encouraging responsible behavior.

Through a new initiative called “CopenPay,” tourists can earn rewards by engaging in green actions such as biking instead of driving, helping maintain the city, or pledging to sustainable behavior. This pilot project will run from July 15 to Aug. 11, with the goal of promoting sustainable behavior and enhancing the cultural experience in Copenhagen.

Participants can redeem rewards like free meals, coffee, kayak tours, or museum entrance by showing proof of their eco-friendly actions, such as train tickets or photos of themselves biking or participating in cleanup efforts. The initiative aims to reduce the city’s carbon emissions by promoting greener transportation methods and waste reduction.

Copenhagen’s tourism office hopes to expand the concept of CopenPay to other parts of Denmark and the world, with the ultimate goal of creating meaningful and memorable experiences that are enjoyable and environmentally responsible.


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